Jamie A. Ward


Contact me using [jamie at jamieward dot net]
My main interest is in exploring the use of body worn sensors to
gather information about our common daily activities and habits.

I am involved with a number of specific research topics:
activity recognition using wearable and body-worn sensors
( sticking accelerometers, microphones and electrodes on to people and watching what they do )
continuous activity recognition
( how to 'spot' and then classify interesting activities from a sequence )
methods of evaluating continuous recognition
( figuring out what the results mean )

From July 2008 to June 2010 my work was funded by a Marie Curie Fellowship under the title,
"Multimodal Activity Recognition for Interactive Environments
Following from this my work was funded by a grant from the EPSRC,
titled "Eye-based Activity Recognition

You can find my Google Scholar page
I wrote a short opinion piece on the future of Wearable Computing,
titled "Monitoring the Mundane," for the Architectural Association of Ireland.
You can read it



  • MSET Performance Evaluation Scripts in MATLAB (pre-release!): scripts


  • Multi-Modal Recognition of Reading Activity in Transit Using Body-Worn Sensors
    A. Bulling, J.A. Ward and H. Gellersen
    ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2012
    (Published here) BibTex
  • Performance metrics for activity recognition
    J.A. Ward, P. Lukowicz and H. Gellersen
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems and Technology (TIST) January 2011
    (Published here) BibTex (draft copy earlier draft of paper)
  • Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition Using Electrooculography
    A. Bulling, J.A. Ward, H. Gellersen and G. Troester
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), IEEE, 2011
    (Published here) EOG reading recognition BibTex
  • Eye movement analysis for activity recognition
    A. Bulling, J.A. Ward, H. Gellersen and G. Troester
    Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, ACM, 2009, p41-50
    acceptance rate: 12.4%, best paper nominee EOG reading recognition BibTex
  • Robust Recognition of Reading Activity in Transit Using Wearable Electrooculography
    A. Bulling, J.A. Ward, H. Gellersen and G. Troester
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Pervasive 2008), p19-37, acceptance rate: 15.8% EOG reading recognition BibTex
  • Activity Recognition of Assembly Tasks Using Body-Worn Microphones and Accelerometers
    J.A. Ward and P. Lukowicz and G. Troester and T. Starner
    IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28:10, pp 1553-1567, October 2006
    (Published here) draft Activity Recognition of Assembly 
Tasks Using Body-Worn Microphones and Accelerometers BibTex
    [The wood workshop scenario from 2004 was revisited in a multi-subject, continuous recognition experiment. ]
  • Ph.D thesis, "Activity monitoring: continuous recognition and performance evaluation"
    Jamie A. Ward, 2006. jamie ward phd thesis BibTex
    Or skip direct to Chapters 7 and 8 (introducing the segment error table, SET, for performance analysis): ward thesis chapter 7 and 8

  • Evaluating Performance in continuous context recognition using event-driven error characterisation
    Jamie A Ward, Paul Lukowicz and Gerhard Troester
    LoCA 2006, Evaluating Performance in continuous
context recognition using event-driven error characterisation BibTex
    [Details the categorisation of Overfill, Underfill, Fragmenting and Merge errors in addition to the more well known Insertion, Deletion and Substitution errors. It tackles the problems of evaluating both discrete event recognition and continuous timeseries. A method of collecting these results, the Segment Error Table, SET, is also proposed as a more in-depth variant to the common confusion matrix (More details on these methods and their usage can also be found in the later chapters of my thesis.)]
  • A categorisation of performance errors in continuous context recognition
    Jamie A Ward, Paul Lukowicz and Gerhard Troester
    ISWC-2005 workshop 'On-Body Sensing', PDFBibTex
  • Gesture spotting using wrist worn microphone and 3-Axis accelerometer
    Jamie A Ward, Paul Lukowicz and Gerhard Troester ,sOc-EUSAI'2005, Oct 2005, p99-104 PDFBibTex
    [First introduced the idea of Overfill and Underfill as complimentary measures to Insertion and Deletion counts when evaluating continuous recognition problems. These error types are visualised in a stacked barchart (which was later given a name, Error Description Diagram (EDD) by Tracy Westyn of Gatech .)]
  • ROC Analysis of Partitioning Method for Activity Recognition Using Two Microphones
    Jamie A Ward, Paul Lukowicz and Gerhard Troester
    Advances in Pervasive Computing Adjunct Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing, May. 8-13,2005, (ISBN 3-85403-191-2) PDFBibTex
  • Recognizing Workshop Activity Using Body Worn Microphones and Accelerometers
    P. Lukowicz, J.A. Ward, H. Junker, M. Stäger, G. Tröster, A. Atrash, T. Starner
    Pervasive Computing, Vienna, Austria, 18.-23. April 2004, pages 18-22, Springer-Verlag     BibTex
  • User Activity Related Data Sets for Context Recognition
    Holger Junker, Jamie Ward, Paul Lukowicz, Gerhard Tröster
    Workshop Proceedings 'Benchmarks  and a Data Base for Context Recognition', Workshop held in conjunction with Pervasive 2004 conference (ISBN 3-9522686-2-3). BibTex
  • AMON: A Wearable Multiparameter Medical Monitoring and Alert System
    U. Anliker, J.A. Ward, P. Lukowicz, G. Tröster, F. Dolveck, M. Baer, F. Keita, E. Schenker, F. Catarsi, L. Coluccini, A. Belardinelli, D. Shklarski, M. Alon, E. Hirt, R. Schmid, M. Vuskovic.
    IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Volume 8, Issue 4, Dec. 2004, pages 415- 427 BibTex
  • AMON: A Wearable Medical Computer for High Risk Patients P. Lukowicz, U. Anliker, J. Ward, G. Tröster, E. Hirt, and C. Neufelt, The Sixth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 7.-10. October 2002, pages 133-134 BibTex
    • Neuro electronic Technology in Medicine and Beyond, Jamie Ward, Computer Science Dissertation, University of Edinburgh PDF
    • A software based low vision aid, Engineering report, Jamie Ward, University of Edinburgh PDF

Internal technical notes
  • Continuous activity recognition in the kitchen using miniaturised sensor button , Jamie A Ward, Nagendra B Bharatula, Gerhard Tröster, Paul Lukowicz PDF

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